
in a constant state of pure agony and regret in a void of my own darkest thoughts that sit in the back of my mind

About the meaning of this (???)

Im not so sure about how to develop and do the world setting, but the key words and aspects are that it will be centered on some kind of forgotten religion,

and that it revoles on one main god, nine angels and seven "anti christs" kind of things, but they´re hidden in the modern world, under the disguise of a corrupt law firm.

the main purpose of it is to make connections and climb over the rich and powerful to manipulate, and own everything to assert dominance.

the "god" and its angels´s purpose is to make doomsday come soon to wipe out most of humanity and earth to begin from scratch. this goes against the enemy organization´s plans.

Since they wont have anything to rule over just for the sake of it and they would be wiped out too. this seems a bit lame but ill make sure to put on some psychological meaning to it so it catches the eye, and leave the rest to be more of a free world so it could emulate the unpredictable nature and diversity of reality.

i´ll try making some kind of moodboard or graphs to get the hierarchies and timeline sorted out, and also give the characters some special attributes so its interesting enough.

ill do this in order, maybe something like

Main characters>motivations>hierarchy>present>past>side characters>past>specific details and conflict.